Student Board Candidates
第一届S&GA中学生board的竞选面试结束啦!相信候选小朋友们对Student Board这个项目的认真态度、对做公益的热忱都给大家留下了深刻印象。他们为了此次竞选花费了不少时间和精力做准备,热烈欢迎各位同学和家长们都来听听竞选演说回放并投出您宝贵的一票(此次投票属于不记名投票)!!!此次投票截止日期为8月18日11: 59 PM!动动您的手指,为后浪们打call!
Interviews and the Election of S&GA Student Board has successfully completed! It was really impressive that each candidate showed their devoted and passionate to the Student Board program and enthusiasm to sever our community. They worked really hard to win the position they had applied during this whole week. Everyone is welcome to vote for our very potential young leaders, your support may not only benefit Share & Grow, but inspire a young man to be better in the future. Please review their campaign speeches as below and cast your precious vote (this vote is anonymous )! ! ! The deadline for voting is 11:59 PM, August 18! It’s easy to support!
Registration closed! If you have registered earlier, you will receive the voting link through your registered email.